This week as part of #makeovermonday challenge we will look into International Protection and hurdles faced by refugges. I also managed to get extra information from MissingMigrants website and Wiki wherever possible.
Original report show as part of challenge:
What works Well:
There is lot if data that can be used and reported.
Has given clear KPI's on top of page
Used simple colors to deliver the message.
What can be improved:
Remove unnecessary information from the report.
There is too much of information going on the page.
Most of the information is given as text which is hard to grasp. Have only showed the positive effects on refugees.
What have I done:
Tried to remove the information which is not important.
Focusing only on one key KPI and show both sides of the story
Used relevant pictures where ever possible.
Have used other data available on web other the dataset provided.
You can find my online Tableau report where you can experience the interactivity of the report at:!/vizhome/JourneyofRefugees/Dashboard1